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Make Room For
Better Living


Project Summary

Cube Studio is like a super cool digital space that our team at Devoq Design created using React technology.

 It’s like a magical place for designers and homeowners to explore, work together, and make their ideas come to life. We wanted it to be a fun and easy place where art meets practicality, making it a brand new way for people to do interior design.


Cube Studio



Build for

Website & Mobile





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We have the best selling products of year

img cube studio summary group profile

Join our Community, We are waiting for you


Key Feature

Intuitive Design Interface

User-friendly interface ensuring a smooth and enjoyable design experience


Designing with accessibility in mind, ensuring that the platform is usable and navigable for users with diverse needs and abilities

Optimized Rendering

Optimizing rendering performance to provide a smooth and responsive user interface, enhancing the overall user experience

Real-Time Collaboration

Simultaneous collaboration between designers and homeowners for instant feedback and adjustments

State Management

Implementing efficient state management to ensure seamless interactions and real-time updates without compromising performance


Designing the frontend with scalability in mind, allowing the platform to handle increased user loads and additional features without compromising performance

Responsive Design

Ensuring that the design adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes and devices, providing a consistent experience across platforms

Efficient Data Binding

Implementing data binding techniques to efficiently connect the frontend with the backend, ensuring smooth data flow and real-time updates


Challenge & Objectives

Making Cube Studio was a big adventure. We had to figure out how to make it look amazing and work really well. We set some big goals to make sure we did it right.

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Balancing Looks and Superpowers

We wanted Cube Studio to look awesome and work really well, and we did it.

Easy Tools for Teamwork

We made tools that are easy to use, so everyone can work together without any problems.

Super Fast and Super Cool

We made sure Cube Studio works fast and has cool stuff, even if there are lots of pictures and things.


Our Process

We had a plan to make Cube Studio awesome! Here’s how we did it


Ideation and Conceptualization

Iterative prototyping in React for user testing and feedback integration.

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Wireframing and Information Architecture

Determining the best state management approach (Redux, Context API, etc.) based on project requirements.

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UI/UX Design

Implementing Agile methodologies for React development, employing sprints and scrum meetings.

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Conducting thorough UI/UX testing of React components for responsiveness and user interactions.

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Optimization and Performance

Profiling and optimizing React components for improved rendering and responsiveness.

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React Development

Showcasing React functionalities to clients for feedback and iteration.

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QA and Deployment

Establishing plans for ongoing React component maintenance and future updates.

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Technology Stacks


Project Timeline

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Design System & Page Layouts

The design system in Cube Studio ensured a consistent visual language and user experience by defining uniform UI elements, creating reusable components, and emphasizing accessibility and responsiveness. Page layouts were crafted to showcase portfolios creatively.with intuitive navigation and interactive elements for user engagement. Consistency across layouts promoted ease of use, while scalability allowed for future expansion without compromising design coherence.This systematic approach formed a strong foundation for a visually appealing, user-friendly digital platform.
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Development of Cube Studio

In the development of Cube Studio, a meticulous approach was taken to create a robust and dynamic platform using React. The process involved modular component design, ensuring each element was optimized for efficiency and reusability. Agile development cycles allowed for continuous iteration, implementing clean and efficient code aligned with project requirements. Thorough testing of React components ensured high-quality performance, while deployment to staging environments facilitated comprehensive evaluation before client demos and final deployment. This systematic development approach enabled the creation of a responsive, scalable, and user-centric platform tailored specifically for the creative community.

React - Front-end Development

Front-end development for Cube Studio revolved around React’s modular structure, enabling efficient and scalable components. This approach prioritized a user-centric design, striking a balance between aesthetics and functionality. Rigorous testing and continuous integration ensured a robust, responsive, and visually captivating front-end experience tailored to meet and exceed user expectations.

Front-end development was also efficient because of our process. We worked in two-week sprints and updated Clean Energy frequently, allowing us to build a product that more closely fit their specific needs.

As we went, our project managers continued to experiment with new ways to make our processes even better. In fact, by the end of the design conversion phase, we had significantly improved our agile development process.